Eye of the Needle Ranch Championship Alpacas

Alpaca Impact...Allow them to impact your lifestyle



Trying to sell top quality animals to reduce the herd

This is a dilemma for us. We have worked so hard to produce top quality alpacas and it has been rewarded in the show ring and in our returning customers. However, we have to reduce our numbers because of county restrictions and I am trying to offer some of our best animals at prices below what I think they are worth. Does this come across as underselling them? I don't want to sell them, they are great producers but I have too. This is a dilemma?

How do we price our alpacas?

Several people have ask why we don't put pricing on our alpacas on our website. We have found that by working with a potiential client we can find out what they are looking for, their price range, and their goals, are they going to board or do they have a ranch. There are several questions that need to be ask before looking at the animals. Once we have their information we can show them the animals that might fit all of the above. This way we are not frustrating the client showing them somet


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Alpaca Breeders of the Rockies